At Dunamis Capital our focus is on creating for you individually customized portfolios that consists of a mix of stocks, ETF’s and other investments, diversifying by industry and market sectors, we hire several highly competent analyst and charting services to guide our choices and then ladder your investments into different timeframe’s for return and risk expectations.

We believe in the importance of low cost, no-load exchange traded funds ETF’s as an efficient way to diversify investments and create a balanced portfolio.

Upon request, we can customize the power of asset allocation, which is why we also adhere to a traditional financial advisor model 60/40 split between stocks and bonds utilizing low cost, no load mutual funds.

Our firm principal and investment management lead has experienced and guided clients through at least three major U.S. recessions and understands the anxiety that is experienced with the potential loss of his client’s capital through market down-cycles.

This ensures that our clients' portfolios has the potential to weather market conditions while providing long-term growth potential.